Podesta - vertaling naar frans
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Podesta - vertaling naar frans

Podestat; Podest; Potestà; Potesta; Podestá; Podesteria; Potestate; Potestaat; Potestat; Focko Ludigman; Podestà (Italian official); Podesta; Potestaats
  • ''Portrait of a Podestà'' by [[Lodewijk Toeput]]

Podesta, family name
John Podesta         
John Podesta (born 1949), fourth and final Chief of Staff at the White House in Washington DC under President Bill Clinton (from 1998 until 2001)


·noun A mayor, alderman, or other magistrate, in some towns of Italy.
II. Podesta ·noun One of the chief magistrates of the Italian republics in the Middle Ages.



Podestà (pronounced [podeˈsta], English: potestate, podesta) was the name given to the holder of the highest civil office in the government of the cities of Central and Northern Italy during the Late Middle Ages. Sometimes, it meant the chief magistrate of a city state, the counterpart to similar positions in other cities that went by other names, e.g. rettori ("rectors").

In the following centuries up to 1918, the term was used to designate the head of the municipal administration, particularly in the Italian-speaking territories of the Austrian Empire. The title was taken up again during the Fascist regime with the same meaning.

The podestà's office, its duration and the residence and the local jurisdiction were called podesteria, especially during the Middle Ages, and in later centuries, more rarely during the fascist regime.

Currently, podestà is the title of mayors in Italian-speaking municipalities of Graubünden in Switzerland, but is not the case for the rest of the Canton of Ticino, which uses the title sindaco (English: mayor).

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Podesta
1. I got the Podesta emails.
Eliot Higgins _ We Are Bellingcat - An Intelligence Agency for the People _ Talks at Google
2. This is John Podesta, who is former Chief of Staff to President Clinton.
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Podesta
1. Caroline Stevan Vendredi 7 novembre 2008 John Podesta, le pragmatique.
2. Il fonde une entreprise de lobbying avec son fr';re Anthony en 1'88, Podesta Associates.
3. Conduite par le progressiste John Podesta, elle devra préparer les modalités de la passation des pouvoirs.
4. Né en 1'4', descendant d‘immigrés grecs et italiens, John Podesta adore X–Files et les ovnis.
5. Secrétaire général de la Maison–Blanche sous Clinton, de 1''8 ŕ 2001, John Podesta est actuellement ŕ la tęte du think tank démocrate «Center for American Progress». Professeur de droit invité ŕ la Georgetown University et spécialiste des politiques de développement technologique, John Podesta a été conseiller d‘un nombre conséquent de comités, sénateurs et autres organisations publiques.